Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 7:42 PM


Monyet-monyet itu
Mereka terengkak-engkak
Melempar kata
Melontar tohmahan
Meroyan tak tentu hala
Makin kita lihat
Makin kita menyampah
Mungkin ini azab dunia
Manusia yang berdosa
Mana pergi wakil kita?
Manifestonya yang dulu manis
Mana hilangnya kewarasan?
Mungkin disimpan dalam lutut
Mana wujudnya demokrasi
Melabun sudah ideologi itu
Melingkupkan dunia

Oleh Jo Haq
31 Julai 2021
7:38 malam


Friday, July 30, 2021 at 12:59 AM

The Story of a Black Jacket Wanderer
By Jo Haq
30 July 2021

THE WORLD is damned with a pandemic. No vaccine nor cure identified. A man. Call him Aswad the Jammer. A drunkard. An artist. He is immuned to the damned virus. He walks across the city seeing people dying everywhere. Those who are still alive became hooligans. Stealing. Killing. All sorts of madness. The Government collapsed. Authorities lost control. Religion forgotten. He walks the street in black leather jacket, black t-shirt, black Converse, black half-a-sack and a black guitar. His hair uncut but not too long. He couldn't figure out why he is immuned. Later Aswad found people who are also immuned to the virus. After so much thought, him, and those with the same fate as him, share one thing in common, that could be the explanation for why they are immuned. That one thing they all have in common is clove cigarettes. So, amongst his pack are various people who had a long history of smoking loads of Sampoerna, Gudang Garam and the like. They set themselves to a mission to look for more cloves, and they ended in the ruined city of Jakarta, where he met his namesis, the Gangster Lord, Pak Darsono, who controls the harvesting of cloves. Darsono holds the currency far valuable than money or gold. He controls Jakarta. Soon he may control the World for where else can you find cloves, if not in Indonesia. Aswad and his Black Squad soon find themselves in action in their quest to acquire cloves. And, the saga begins ........


Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 11:18 PM

Caricreatures Return Series 
By Johan Ishak of Buanaseni Studio 
Computer graphics via Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ and Stylus 
For print on 2ftx2ft canvas


at 1:15 PM

Fear Not the Fate

Fear is always present
But what you paint on the canvas
... for people to see, 
... is the opposite of it
Fear without courage
... would only mean
... that God may be imperfect
So, embracing that juxtaposition
As the driving force
... is the act of proving
... that God is perfect
We have to go through life as it is
Not hide under the veil of fear
Just assume that you need to stake
The heart of the vampire
Before its fangs
... reach your pink juicy neck

By Jo Haq
29 July 2021
12:00 am
KL Eco City


Monday, July 26, 2021 at 1:07 PM


Kau (pernah) terbang di pohon mawar
Warna merahmu dahulu menyerlah
Seperti apa yang tersemat di minda
Sewaktu aku kecil bermain di varendah
Dimana kau berlegar dengan rama-rama
Kini semakin jarang kehadiranmu
Sayapmu kini semakin kelabu
Tidak seperti 40 tahun yang lalu
Sudah besar panjang pun aku
Yang tinggal hanya sepasang kupu-kupu
Kembalilah kau dari pelusuk malam
Bongkakkanlah semula tompok hitam
Zahirkanlah semula rekoleksi silam
Sementara aku belum suram
Agar taman ini kembali tenteram

Oleh Jo Haq
26 Julai 2021
12:57 tengahari
KL Eco City


at 2:33 AM

Apabila Mendongak Ke Langit

Jika kita ini mangsa malam
Mohon jangan dibutakan siang
Panggillah Malaikat Dinihari
Agar diciumkan diri (ini)
Keberkatan Illahi
Sebelum kita pergi
Sebelum meninggalkan dunia
Keampunan manisNya
Kita ingin (ianya) ditiup ke jiwa
Panggillah Malaikat Fajar
Mohon dihidayahkan cahaya
Jika kita ingin tinggalkan kegelapan

Oleh Jo Haq
26 Julai 2021
2:21 pagi
KL Eco City


Saturday, July 24, 2021 at 2:43 PM

Caricreatures Return Series • By Johan Ishak of Buanaseni Studio • 2021 • Computer graphics via Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ and Stylus • For print on 2ftx2ft canvas


Friday, July 23, 2021 at 11:02 PM


By Jo Haq and Merah Rahman

A drama of fruit figurines - I am King declared the Durian. Who is worthy to be my Queen and members of my court? Hmmm.... who do you think should be Queen? It has to be the Dragon Fruit. And the Wild Berries shall be amongst the palace folks. The Dragon Fruit has to plead its case. What justifies the Dragon Fruit to be the Queen? It is the only fruit whose seeds are randomly scattered within with no devine architecture in its arrangement. It shall be evil. It shall be chaos... but full of passion. Then the Pineapple will claim he is to be the King's advisor as he has eyes everywhere and even if his head is cut off an buried, he will be reborn again to serve the King. Yes, let's appoint the Pineapple. Who should take care of the kingdom’s treasures and riches? This is a tricky one. A Jackfruit has been accused of swallowing all gold nuggets belonging to the King. Hmmm.... sounds like a modern day politician. Off with his head. There is no place for him in this court. Maybe it should be the Banana. He has nothing to hide so much so he wears his heart outside for the world to see. And bananas would lend its leaves to protect all from heavy rain. How noble is the banana. Who shall protect them all? Hmmm.... this is a tricky one too. Maybe it is the Kings children themselves. They are born armored and would not betray the King. No.. no.. they shall be as expected, born not to work. Maybe it will be the Salaks. Shielded with thick skin. Like armours. And sometimes the smell is enough to scare off the weak hearted. Magnificent choice! We need a Court Jester. Something funny or sarcastic. So, a sharp acidic fruit or something with a funny shape. Buy why? Perhaps the colour should be vibrant? Oooh... Maybe it should be the Kedondong. With its sharp sour taste that accompanies the harshness of reality and inside him he holds the big hairy truth. I disagree. I want something vibrant. Ok, present your case with your choice. I vote for the red, green and yellow Capsicums. Basis of proposal please. They look funny. That is all. One last verdict needed. Someone to lead the prayers. Oooh... this is a tough one too. Someone who is full of sustenance. That fuels the spiritual hunger of all. Coconut? No. Someone with many breasts like the Goddess Artemis. Blackberries? Sort of like multiple nipples or mini boobs. Nooooo.... Papayas. Hahha yes! And the coconut you mentioned... he is the dude imprisoned in the King's dungeon. Because he is a coconut case that cannot be saved. Maybe we should pick the villain fruits now. Coconut the crazy advisor. Cempedak and Nangka want to be King and Queen both equally corrupt. The world is unfair when they associate dark colours to evil. Should we apply that generalisation? Yes they equate dark colours to evil or poverty or stupidity. Yes. It’s like a political satire hidden in fable of fruit figurines. Coffee. Cocoa. Let's just create a whole army of foes from the nut family then. And they still have the lighter colours at the top ruling over them a.k.a. Nangka, Cempedak and Coconut. Yes. Like the Pigs in The Animal Farm. Playing puppet master. They rally the grapes, plums and blackberries working them up crying foul play and oppression. Gaining and fanning the grassroot’s rage. Not realising they are just pawns. With their soft skins, they will be squished in the attempt of power grabbing. Not realising Coconut, Cempedak and Nangka are quietly sacrificing the Grapes to turn them into wine for their own consumption. Blaming King Durian and Queen Dragon Fruit of the disappearance of their children. It is indeed a cruel Fruits and Nuts World. At last, the society will collapse into one big fruit punch with no redemption and no hope.

By Jo Haq and Merah Rahman
23 July 2021
10:51 pm
KL Eco City / Bukit Gita Bayu


at 9:54 PM

Imagine All No People

Imagine the world only you (alone) as human
Like the movie I Am Legend
You'd talk to animals or the trees
And turn fruits into figurines
And make a little drama using those figurines
You'd observe the war: red ants vs black ants
Who do you think would win?
Red or black?
I suppose none, 
... because the scorpion would devour them all 
... or maybe the ants would form one big formation
... and eat the scorpion
Like sand controlled by the ghosts in the Mummy movie
The scorpion, it is not saved either
From the sky you would eagerly wait
A magnificent owl would dive 
... and swallow the scorpion
Do you think if you are the last person on Earth, 
... the aliens would come and pick you up?

By Jo Haq and Merah Rahman
23 July 2021
9:42 pm
KL Eco City / Bukit Gita Bayu


at 12:16 AM


Thunder but no rain
This blastard place
Without any solace
Without the spirit's face
I am but a lonely wolf
Howling to the moon above
Ice but no water
This forsaken crib
Freezing my every rib
Cracking my once rosy lips
I am but an imaginary Viking
Painted of blood and ink
Smoke but no tongue of fire
This horrifying jail
Gulping the evil ale
Cheering the amusement gale
I am but I am not
My own ghost or my own foe

By Jo Haq
23 July 2021
12:07 am
KL Eco City


Monday, July 19, 2021 at 11:26 PM

Selamat Malam

Tidur sahaja
Tidurlah marhain yang lara
Agar mimpi-mimpi indah belaka
Biar fantasi kunjung tiba
Menggambarkan indahnya dunia
Melupakan duka dan nestapa
Menjanjikan esok yang ceria
Memeluk suam rasa cinta
Untuk alam dan manusia
Mengharung hidup ini jua
Di dalam keperihan buana
Dengan keredhaan yang Esa

Oleh Jo Haq
19 Julai 2021
11:12 malam
KL Eco City


Sunday, July 18, 2021 at 11:36 PM

Gergasi Hijau

Anak kecil menangis teresak-esak
Dia rindu ayahnya jauh sangat
Kata anak, 
"Ayah, mana gergasi hijau?"
Ayah sebak
Dia membelek-belek katalog kek
Mana nak cari kek gergasi hijau?
Budak kecil dah berfantasia
Tentang makluk hijau pecah dinding
Dinding bata yang diperbuat dari kek
Kononnya esok anak boleh kunyah bata
Kononnya esok dia sambut dengan gergasi
Sambut harijadinya dengan binatang hijau
Ayah masih membelek-belek internet
Semua tak berjalan
Habis perniagaan tutup
Bukan apa pun
Nak beli gergasi hijau saja pun
Untuk anak kecil kembali riang

Oleh Jo Haq
19 Julai 2021
12.00 pagi
KL Eco City


at 9:04 PM

The Purple Sphere

The magenta box came
With no note from any sender
What a mysterious box this must be
Scarlet undone its silver ribbons
She opened the box
Beams of light flashed out
Filling every space in the room
Radiating its energy
... onto particles of air
A sphere the size of a bull's scrotum
... gracefully float
It went upwards
... and froze in the middle of the room
Boasting its purple glow
Mesmerising the eyes with its haze
Telling humanity,
"Get up you lazy bastards!, 
 ... and rise above that stupid 
 ... melancholic saga of yours!"

By Jo Haq
18 July 2021
KL Eco City


Friday, July 9, 2021 at 10:20 AM


Terbitlah engkau mentari
Bangun dari tidurmu yang sepi
Biar merahmu menjangkau saujana
Menyentuh dedaunan pohon di buana
Biar sinarmu membuka mata yang terlena
Mengejut jiwa-jiwa sengsara
Bangkitlah wahai mentari merah
Mulakan hari kami dengan harapan cerah
Biar habamu menyusuk di hati
Mencairkan kebekuan naluri ini
Menyalalah engkau mentari merah
Yang terserlah
Megah dan gagah

Oleh Jo Haq
9 Julai 2021
10:09 pagi
Shah Alam


Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 10:44 PM

Lagak Ikan Siam Kau Sial

Laga, lagalah kepala
Macam ikan siam naik 'sheh'
Biar masing-masing bingung
Biar retak seribu di tengkorak
Biar meleleh darah hitam busuk
Engkau orang tinggi bongkak
Konon langit tujuh kau terbang
Esok kita akan saksi lihat
Terjunamnya engkau jatuh
Terhempap langsung tenggelam
Dimakan bumi dikunyah ulat
Dikurniakan darjat neraka tujuh
Haaaa... apa lagi?
Lagalah kepala tu
Laga sampai mampus
Biar manusia untung tanpa engkau
Biar kemanusiaan terbit gah

Oleh Jo Haq
7 Julai 2021
10:22 malam
KL Eco City


Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 11:07 PM
Sampai Bilalah 'Like This'?  

'Bro', aku dah sendat ni
Dah tiga bulan tak bayar hutang bank
'Tuition English' anak aku pun tak sambung
Bini asyik bising kenapa 'cancel' Netflix
Duit rokok dah jadi duit 'mask' muka
Simpanan tua dah kerepot 
Kerja baru belum dapat-dapat lagi
Nak bawak Grab, orang dah tak berjalan
Nak biarkan sahaja rambut panjang
Bukan ada 'Boss' nak bising
Alih-alih, Kerajaan masih bingung
Tengok MySejahtera, 'vaccine' belum sedia
Tanya khabar kawan, ada yang dah mati
Tengok bil letrik, RM213.46
'Bro', pinjamkan aku RM500
Bila virus ni hilang, aku bayar balik
InsyaAllah, aku usahakan jua
Marhaen macam aku, apa pun aku boleh
Janji aku ada pekerjaan
Untuk tampung anak dan bini
Untuk hidup

Oleh Jo Haq
10:46 malam
6 Julai 2021
KL Eco City


Monday, July 5, 2021 at 12:45 PM

Eye of the Storm

I am standing
In the middle of chaos 
Like a thousand missiles 
Dropped from the sky
Destroying the civilisation
Into particles of dusts
Facing the bloody Murphy's law
Urging a prayer that should not be
Craving an alignment of planets
... and the sunshine that is overdue
Darkened by the great smoke
That arose from the deepest abyss
Only to envelope the horizon
And paint a morbid landscape
Raising the question,
"Where do we go?"
From this eye of storm

By Jo Haq
5 July 2021

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