Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 8:03 PM


The Disgraced Madinsanity

The climb that reaches the summit

The dive that touches the floor

The jump that pumps the adrenalin

The acceleration that hits 100

The punch that knocks down the opponent

The strum that vibrates the notes

The scream that scares the dogs

The erection that wets the pussy

The feast that hikes the sugar

The war that rapes humanity

The war that rapes humanity

The fucking war that rapes the fucking humanity

By Jo Haq

31 July 2024

8:01 pm

Petaling Jaya


at 7:53 PM


Forgotten, Have We?

And we forget

When the sun used to shine

The birds used to chirp

The meadows bloomed all yellow

In that absence

We continue our journeys

Crawling over cold black stones

Showering with chilling acid rain

Swearing at each other

As if we are different animals

Minding our own fortunes

That in itself becomes the opium

Fuelling our damned lives

Never to consider a turn

When the sign board offers the way

For salvation and a chance

And we still forget

The sweetness of that sun, birds and meadows

That we ought to seek

That we should have embraced

That we must not forget

By Jo Haq

31 July 2024

7:31 pm

Petaling Jaya


Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 8:51 PM


Hak Illahi

Anak tu,

Tuhan yang punya

Ikut suka Dia lah,

.... nak ambik balik bila

Tapi, tapi,

Aku belum cukup peluk

Aku belum cukup cium

Aku belum cukup bela


Kau ingat Dia kisah?

Kau yang banyak dosa ni,

Takde punya Dia nak bagi 

Kau belum cukup doa

Kau belum cukup hidayah

Kau belum cukup makrifat

Lagi kau nak soal Dia

Kau tak malu?

Elok kau ambik gitar tu,

Nyanyilah sesedih boleh

Jangan kau soal apa-apa lagi

Macam itulah rupa,

Hidup yang membutuhi,

.... keredhaan

Oleh Jo Haq

Bukit Jelutong

25 Julai 2024

8:47 malam

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