Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 9:55 PM


..... but I Ain't Free from Sins and Darkness Thoughts

I want to sail to the edge of the World

But I ain't a sailor with a mighty can of spinach

I want to fly to the dark side of the moon

But I ain't a flying pig whose crazy diamond shines

I want to catch all the shooting stars in the sky

But I ain't the little prince full of magical imaginations

I want to scale the arpeggios from hell

But I ain't the Viking whose fingerboard is scalloped

I want to free everyone from the sufferings of this life

But I ain't Atlas whose shoulders bear gigantic sphere

I want to own all the fame and appreciation

But I ain't the Dutch whose ear he cut and gave to the prostitute

I want to be wealthy and buy all that money can

But I ain't the man who sold the world to the Devil

I want to die peacefully and ascend to the heavens where the Angels are .....

By Jo Haq

31 August 2024

9:48 pm

Bukit Jelutong


at 5:33 PM


Hujankah Petang Ini?

Langit kelabu 

Bagaikan awan leper

Menyelimut dosa-dosa manusia

Mengunci langit dari menabur hujan

Oleh Jo Haq

31 Ogos 2024

5:29 petang

Bukit Jelutong


at 5:17 PM


Menidakkan Merdeka

Alam memerhati kita

Membisik alunan rintihan

Sejak dahulu kala

Sehingga penghujung zaman

Namun tidak diendahkan jua

Terus menerus kita memusnah

Sesekali Alam sudi mendidik kita

Di Gunung Sinai

Ia semarak menyemai

Di Pohon Bodh Gaya

Ia kembang menjana

Di Gua Hira'

Ia sayup merombak

Angkuhnya kita tak terkira

Bagaikan katak dididih perlahan

Sehingga kelak pengakhiran

Hanyalah segumpal daging busuk

Tak bernyawa

Tak bermakna

Tak bermakrifat

Tak berkemerdekaan

Oleh Jo Haq

31 Ogos 2024

5:13 petang

Bukit Jelutong


Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 1:46 AM


Aku Relakan

Permergianmu itu

Suatu emansipasi

Dari dunia yang cela

Oleh Jo Haq

27 Ogos 2024

1:44 pagi

Bukit Jelutong

Arwah Ian Zuhayr Bin Johan di dalam ingatan.


Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 9:14 PM

 Mega Merah

Lihat itu langit,

Mega-mega merah tadi hilang

Menggelaplah dunia

Unggas pun kembali ke sarangnya

Muncullah ribuan serangga

Mengerliplah bintang-bintang jauh

Datangnya pula kesyahduan malam

Kemeriahan Cengkerik

Dan kemerdekaan mentari

Walaupun empat puluh ribu saat

Tetap ia akan kembali

Mencurahkan baktinya kepada insani

Memangkinkan bunga seri pagi

Dan meleraikan embun pagi

Maka bersabarlah kita semua

Kerana setiap kesedihan itu

Pasti ada mentarinya

Lihat itu langit,

Mega-mega merah semalam kembali

Oleh Jo Haq

24 Ogos 2024

9:11 malam

Bukit Jelutong


Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 7:50 PM


Wartawan Terhitung

Tinta lembayung

Kata-katanya melambung

Kadangkala ada tersinggung

Yang salah pasti tanggung

Ini bukan cereka panggung

Tetapi kejujuran teragung

Biarkan semua membingung

Akan kedunguan sekampung

Apabila pemimpin terapung

Semua pakat ikut punggung

Buta-buta mereka menyanjung

Sedangkan apabila direnung

Sememangnya najis segunung

Maka berilah suatu lorong

Agar penulis bisa menyabung

Demi tanah semenanjung

Kembalikan demokrasi ulung

Oleh Jo Haq

22 Ogos 2024

7:49 malam

Bukit Jelutong


at 2:30 AM


Alam Menemani Aku

Alam bagaikan mengikut rentak irama

Apabila aku merasa gembira

Mentari bersinar cerah saksama

Apabila aku resah gelisah

Awan berarak mendung belaka

Apabila aku sedih gundah gulana

Hujan menembak halilintar

Apabila aku tenang di jiwa

Malam menyusur gelap gelita

Alam bagaikan mengikut rentak irama

Seolah-olah mengiakan apa sahaja

Menemani aku, suka atau duka

Mengikuti aku, riang atau nestapa

Mendorong aku supaya redha

Mengingatkan aku kepada yang Esa

Oleh Jo Haq

22 Ogos 2024

2:24 pagi

Bukit Jelutong


Monday, August 19, 2024 at 9:38 PM


Cock Slavery

Meow! Meow!

Meow! Meow!

Meow! Meow!

It calls

Meow! Meow!

Says the pussy

So, it stares at you

Gleamingly and inviting

Your jaw instantly drops

Drooling of smelly saliva

The bastard dogs you are

Can't get your mind off it

Invading your cerebrum

Smashing it like oats

Shaving your wallets

Draining your little pathetic soul

As if your existence

Is nothing more

Than a puppet

Dancing away

To the strings

The melody

And slavery


Meow! Meow!

Meow! Meow!

By Jo Haq

19 August 2024

9:37 pm

Bukit Jelutong


Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 8:04 AM


Malkovich Trauma

It's four in the morning

I woke up to a weird dream

John Malkovich was in it

All he had to do was,

... scream "Fuck You"

And I was instantly awaken

The aircond was too cold

So, I switched to the fan

Then I was sweating

My eyes were still wide open

The tummy growled

The damn gastric juice triggered

Down the staircase I went

Heading for the refrigerator

Devoured three pieces of Tim Tam

And gulps of low sugar Vitagen

That'll do the trick

I should be able to doze off

But hang on

One Sampoerna cigarette had to be lit

That aroma of cloves

Aimed to be a closure

But, no ....

My eyes were still wide open

Perhaps masturbation would work?

(Commercial Break)

Oh! It did not work!

Damn! I am tired and sleepy

Yet the eyes were still wide open

Suddenly, from outside the window,

.... the mosque projected the Azan

Oh! Time to start the day again

This time, with a media presentation,

.... to the board of some palm oil association

And that is when,

My eyes would fall asleep


By Jo Haq

15 August 2024

6:01 am

Bukit Jelutong


Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 11:05 PM



His name is Ahmed

Her name is Bahiyah

His name is Chamil

Her name is Darwiyah

His name is Emeer

Her name is Fatima

His name is Ghaffar

Her name is Hawa

His name is Ismael

Her name is Jawariah

His name is Kareem

Her name is Lateefa

His name is Mohammad

Her name is Naqiah

His name is Omar

They once lived in Palestine

By Jo Haq

13 August 2024

11:02 pm

Bukit Jelutong


at 2:45 AM


The Sea Utters, "I Return Back What is Yours"

Along came the storm

Blowing from the far out straits

Bringing with it the death whispers

Shaking the palm trees

Shivering down to its roots

The waves roared in anger

And the rain drops 

.... like a thousand missiles

A judgement has been made

Damning humanity to its core

And soon it is discovered

A profound reminder of sort

Speechless and jaw dropping

A realisation that is overdue

Yet still no repentance

As the ocean returns to us

A pile of plastic manufactured artifacts

That we had wrongfully cast out

As if Nasa had found a second Earth

By Jo Haq

13 August 2024

2:41 am

Bukit Jelutong


Friday, August 9, 2024 at 12:29 AM


Unwrapping a Miserable Piece of Chupa Chups Lollipops

The boy grumbles

The boy screams

The boy swears

The boy shouts

The boy curses

The boy cries

The daddy took the stuff from the boy

The daddy grumbles

The daddy screams

The daddy swears

The daddy shouts

The daddy curses

The daddy cries

By Jo Haq

9 August 2024

12:23 am

Bukit Jelutong


at 12:27 AM


I Pay My Taxes

I pay my taxes

And they spent it on RM100 million worthless privacy breaching covid-19 application

I pay my taxes

And they decided to not regularise oil prices when we are a net oil exporting nation

I pay my taxes

Only to foot the bills for RM100 billion civil service salaries out of a mere RM380 billion annual budget

I pay my taxes

Yet no affirmative actions are taken to protect local industry as it is being raped by Facebook, Google and Youtube

I pay my taxes....

What the hell!

Why am I paying my taxes again?

By Jo Haq

8 August 2024


Shah Alam


Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 11:34 PM


Twenty First Century Bitch

Here's me kissing my boy friend

Here's me eating some keto shit

Here's me doing my gym routine

Here's me with my big boobs

Here's me fixing my nose and lips

Here's me with my LV hand bag

Here's me dancing to Taylor Swift's

Here's me swearing at everyone online

Here's me complaining about my mom

Here's me, a twenty first century bitch yer' all

By Jo Haq

4 August 2024

11:31 pm

Bukit Jelutong


at 1:52 PM


The Partnership

Every dusk has its dawn

Every night has its day

Every flower has its bee

Every cloud has its rain

Every mountain has its rivers

Every ocean has its tide

Every land has its seasons

Every farmer has his dog

Every man has his woman

Every Romeo has his Juliet

Every castle has its king

Every sith has his jedi

Every war has its regrets

Every sorrow has its joy

Every pain has its gain

Every fall has its rise

Every event has its nostalgia

Every life has its soul

Every soul has a God

By Jo Haq

4 August 2024

1:44 pm

Shah Alam

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