Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 10:25 AM



Oleh Jo Haq

15 Mac 2023

Omar: Weii!... Arab Saudi sudah haramkan ambik foto di Kaabah daaa.... This is a good call.

Karim: Bagus. Semak je those content makers.

Omar: I wonder.. ramai tak content maker from other countries yang dok amik gmbar depan Kaabah ni.. or is it mostly Malaysians je?

Ishak: You are missing the important point. When people can take photo, Kaabah becomes closer to their hearts. This move is pushing away the relevance of kaabah from people's spiritual development. Serupa macam kalau kau tak tengok muka wife kau sampai berbulan, lama-lama hilang di hati. Do you know now they can sell alcohol in hotels in Mekkah and Medinah? Do you know that now non-Muslims can enter Mekkah and Medinah? Do you know that they have cut down the length of doa and azan volume? Do you know that now it is not an offence for women to not cover heads walking around Mekkah and Medinah? These are all part of the slow process to detach away Mekkah and Medinah from our hearts and minds.

Karim: If that's the agenda, why did the Muslim Arabs themselves are imposing this? Thats odd.

Ishak: Ahah!.. that is the question.

Kamarul: They have imposed even weirder rules and policies to date.

Ishak: Do you know that that land before it was called Saudi Arabia, was under the last Muslim caliphate of Ottoman empire whom had lost World War 1? Then the British subdivided the land into Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, and others. They even slowly delete Palestine from the map. They then selected families of their choice to rule the respective new countries. In the case of Arabia, they selected the Bedouine family of Al-Saud and the religious sect of the Wahabis to rule Arabia, later became Saudi Arabia. The Saud family are Jewish people who converted to Islam. God knows whether they are Munafik or not. The Wahabis are ulamaks who are prone to reject many hadiths on the back of the convenience to declare whatever they like as bida'ah. These two acts, that are, first, controlling by Jews indirectly and, second, applying method to reduce hadith application; were pre-planned by the Zionists to slow cook with the aim to diminish Islam over a long and steady period.

Kamarul: Arab ni mcm ada hidden agenda. One that might not even be aligned with the true teachings of Islam or the way of Rasullullah s.a.w.

Omar: If ambik for self reminder on the spiritual part takpe.. but not to ambik gmbar atau video at Kaabah to promote promote products nak bagi laku.

Ishak: Again you are missing the point. Look at macro, not micro.

Omar: I'm talking about the practice not the niat.

Ishak: Again you are missing the point. Look at macro, not micro.

Omar: Elaborate please.

Ishak: Laahhhh,.... yang aku dok membebel panjang lebar pasal Zionist's plan tu tak cukup elaborate ka?

Omar: So ambik gmbar with the niat nak promote product boleh?

Ishak: I am talking about the new rules. Again you are missing the point. Look at macro, not micro.

Omar: Ya la.. I understand the macro.. I'm just talking about the niat of amik gmbar sebab nak promote product.

Ishak: Itu individual dosa lah.

Omar: Yes... that's all my point. I fully understand the macro and the history of Al-Saud family and what the british has done to the Arab world since World War 1.

Ishak: I know you guys may think I am paranoid because of reading too many books on Freemasons, Zionists and other similar books, but I have seen real life matters now that are congruent to the so called conspiracy. I am not even wanting to highlight the history. I want to highlight why the history is as such.

Omar: Aku pun ada gak research sikit-sikit pasal history of the Arab world ni.

Ishak: If you know the things I know, you'd want to die in Mekkah. But because I have family to look after here in Malaysia, I remain here. In Malaysia, I can see how the non-Muslims device plans to destroy Muslims. Why do you think I am always facing issues with many people in the corporate world? I don't just observe. I collaborate with underground reliable sources.

Kamarul: To me, ni my personal opinion la kan. I kinda like when people take photos of the Kaabah. Bersangka baik that these people have large following that their nawaitu is to inspire others so that some might be triggered to do the same. Some that are on the fence about ‘berhijrah’ to the other side for good. And with the internet overflowing with these kind of pictures of promos, a lot more non-Muslims would be intrigued and if God willing, convert. But yang pegang product merepek ambik gambar and video depan Kaabah tu nanti jawab lah on the other side. Nawaitu dah lari tu.

Ishak: On the hand, the LBGT is geeting a lot of social media traction. Renungkan lah.

Kamarul: Aku suka colour rainbow. sekarang tak boleh pasal takut orang ingat promo LBGTQ agenda.

Ishak: Q apa dia? Lost count of the alphabets.

Kamarul: Queer.

Ishak: Ooooo... macam-macam.

Kamarul: Next year jadi LGBTQNBS.

Ishak: Apa pulak NBS tu?

Kamarul: NBS tu ialah Non-binary Sex. Maksudnya mungkin sex sendiri tak payah teman. Ataupun maybe tak de sex langsung, hahahahaha... bengung.

Omar: Really a lot of these LGBT thing on screen now especially on Netflix. Almost semua new series yang aku dok tengok ada saja gay scene.

Kamarul: Nak comform to the new order of society standards, kenalah politically correct and current la konon. Sampah semua tu. Dah elok-elok Tuhan buat pepet sedap pelbagai, nak jugak pelir. Tak paham gays ni. But then again, it's between them and God la kan.

Ishak: ikut suka kau lah labu... nak main bontot ke apa ke. Janji jangan kacau telor aku. Ok bye. Gua nak pi kerja dah ni. Esok ni company gua nak saman Kerajaan. Chiow!



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