Title: Lego Sportscar: A Birthday Boy's Legacy
Medium: Lego (Model #6743 "Creator" for 6-12 years old)
Artist: Daniel Ariff
Time/Date: 3:00pm, 2 June 2010
Place of creation: Shah Alam
ODAY Daniel turns 5. It has been quite a journey for him to reach 5 years old as he struggled through life in 2 different countries (The UK and Malaysia) meeting all expectations whilst overcoming obtacles such as Mummy's intolerable dinosour-like screaming and Daddy's lack of attention to Daniel's achievements. Daniel started the day, his Birthday!, with normal school agenda but of course, glorified by the anticipated rounds of hugging by fellow class mates celebrating the glorious day complete with a chocolate-banana cake crowned with 5 candles for Daniel to blow. It so happens that Daddy is on a 1 week leave, so Daddy get to spend the whole day with the birthday boy, A Dad-Son appreciation day (...with the bloody BlackBerry vibrating all the time for incoming work e-mails)

Daniel continued the day with football clinic at the Goal Academy where he scored a goal which was heavily cheered by Daddy's screaming of "GOAL!!!!!!!!...." simultaneously pissing off the other parents. Who cares.... my boy scored a goal on his birthday - he deserves Daddy's overdue and rare attention. To celebrate this joyous day of birth in remembrance and sports achievement, Daniel got a Lego set from Daddy, a Model #6743 "Creator" for 6-12 years old. It is a Lego set for building a sportscar that is convertable to an F1 vehicle as well as a 4-wheeler. So Daniel embarked on another lego journey but this time, he did it alone without Daddy's help - really, Daddy did not intervene other than reminders for him to keep on referring to the instructions that came with the set. The result: An awesome striking green object. Perfect for my boy and of course, giving Daddy the ideal material for blogging (See portfolio of photographs attached below). Thanks Danny Boy,.. and Happy Birthday.