Johan Ishak
8 April 2015
Acrylic, Ink and Spray Paint on Canvas
41cm x 41cm
Buanaseni Studio Shah Alam
Given to Fairuz Ramdan as a token of appreciation for his role as one of the judges for MyCreative Ventures' Fashion Pitch 3 held on 23 April 2015.

This piece was given as a souvenir to one of the judges of
MyCreative Ventures' Fashion Pitch 3. It portrays the passionate avangarde nature of the fashion industry yet infused with an opposite character of mysterious secrets. This radiates the power of inviting people to inquire the meaning of it all, which is really the essence of life itself - full of happiness and goodness but also with unanswered wonders of this universe. The cloudy silhouette of a
Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppet) adds a mystical feel to it and of course, making this unmistakenbly Malaysian. The
Wayang Kulit silhouette is a product of a cardboard stencil (Left).