Johan Ishak, 10:35am, 18 March 1998, Rota of Pacific’s Mariana Islands
I have travelled all across Pacific
from Marshalls, Guam to Saipan
Hopping on Truk, Kosrae and Pohnpei
But nothing is as peaceful
as this place of solitude silence
with the ocean blue as blue as it can be
even when eyes were near as near as it can be
to the surface of crystal clear sea water
You’ll have less than a particle of thoughts
yet it’s not emptiness that creeps in your cells
yet it’s not sorrow that grows in your soul
But a pure enlightenment
of matter, in peace and harmony
of flat top highland not reaching the sky
of cliffs and waves rejoined in bubbles of white splash
Feel the glare of tropics
The moist and smell
of Philippines sea breeze
The exotic taste of taro and pandanus
The mixture of Chamoro, Tagalog and Hiragana
and....the escape from psychotic urban tense
I felt a moment
A moment of pause
a substance of anti-monotony
an essence of bliss
But how sad that this could not remain
when I have to say goodbye
When can I say “HafaAdai”
to you again?